
Cleaning out my mom's basement....

It has been awhile since I have posted.....it was a very busy Christmas season this year for LUprints, so I took a little break from posting, but now I am right back into getting my spring collection out into stores and will be sending out the catalogue by the end of Feb. so will be more inspired to take pics again.

I spent last week up at my parents on the sunshine coast, soaking in the sun and enjoying walks on the beach and a bit of hiking. It was a nice break from all the snow we have up here where I live, and nice to see some green grass and buds popping up. I also was given some really fantastic pieces of silverware from my mom and grandma, as well as a couple ceramic pieces. I love digging thru boxes in my parent's basement as you never know what your going to find!!

Sunrise from their deck. The colours of this are unreal.
I think these were from my mom's mom in Sweden.
 I love the detail on the handles, something you don't see very often anymore.
 These are a set of utensils that my sisters and I all used when we were kids.
 This was a real find! A Scandinavian ceramic dish my mom brought with her when she moved to Canada.
 And some random teacups from my Canadian grandmother that I also love. 
I can't wait to see what I find next time....;)
 Some of the pieces made it into a few lifestyle shots of LUprints line of birchwood trays...

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